Science CSI: Pali Students explore the field of forensics and its importance in criminal justice by forming an investigative unit and working together to solve a mystery. Duration: 1 Class Session, 1.5 Hours Type: On-Campus Grades: 4th-6th
Outdoor Education Orienteering Students find their sense of direction by embarking on an expedition. They learn how to navigate through the forest using compasses and coordinates. Duration: 1 Class Session, 1.5 Hours Type: On-Campus Grades: 4th-8th
Outdoor Education Outdoor Skills Mixing nature’s beauty with outdoor survival, students learn the 10 Essentials for any outdoor trip, including how to build emergency shelters, build fires, … Duration: 2 Class Sessions, 3 Hours Type: On-Campus Grades: 4th-9th
Evening Activities Night Hike This class explores the different adaptations nocturnal animals utilize, showcasing through numerous sensory activities. Duration: 1 Class Session, 1.5 Hours Type: On-Campus Grades: 4th-12th
Evening Activities Astronomy Under a night sky unblemished by light pollution, students stargaze and learn about the cosmic expanse beyond. Duration: 1 Class Session, 1.5 Hours Type: On-Campus Grades:
Evening Activities Games, Games, Games Take a break from educational programming and have your students play, laugh, and have fun all facilitated by our instructors. Duration: 1 Class Session, 1.5 Hours Type: On-Campus Grades: 5th-8th