Students find their sense of direction by embarking on an expedition. They learn how to navigate through the forest using compasses and coordinates. By the conclusion of this course, students understand the various skills involved in planning travel from point A to point B.
What’s Covered
Students venture out to one of Pali’s scenic orienteering courses. There, they learn about how methods of human navigation have evolved over time, how to interpret different types of maps and how to navigate using a map and compass. Once they are confident with their navigation skills, students embark on an orienteering scavenger hunt to piece together a hidden message.
Lessons & Activities
Interpreting Maps
Compass Practice
Orienteering Course
Educational Standards
Applicable Common Core/Next Generation Standards:
- NGSS 4-ESS2-2: Analyze and interpret data from maps to describe patterns of Earth’s features.
Ready to Get Started?
Accelerate your students’ learning with our exciting curriculum. Learn more about this hands-on, experiential education activity today.