Advanced Leadership, Leadership Building Support Students design and build a structure that will support one of our instructors with only rope, wooden dowels, and a lesson in knot tying. Duration: 1 Class Session, 1.5 Hours Type: On-Campus Grades: 4th-8th
Science Electro-Magnetic Dynamo Our junior engineers discuss how to harness natural resources to power machines, then design and build a wind turbine to harness mechanical energy. Duration: 1 Class Session, 1.5 Hours Type: On-Campus Grades: 4th-8th
Science Geology Students will explore the mechanics of the layers of the Earth through conducting an investigation to determine the percentage of iron on the surface of Earth. Duration: 1 Class Session, 1.5 Hours Type: On-Campus Grades: 4th-8th
Outdoor Education Art in Nature Students delve into their creative side while exploring the art potential within our forest! Duration: 1 Class Session, 1.5 Hours Type: On-Campus Grades: 4th-8th
Evening Activities Karaoke Sing the night away with some of your favorite songs! Children let loose and release their energy before returning to cabin for the night. Duration: 1 Class Session, 1.5 Hours Type: On-Campus Grades: 4th-12th
Evening Activities Movie Night After a long day of adventuring, sometimes it's nice to settle in and watch a movie! Duration: 1 Class Session, 1.5 Hours Type: On-Campus Grades: 4th-12th