Preparing For Your Trip
What makes the Pali Institute experience unique, is the ability for your child’s school to choose classes that best fit their current curriculum.
Through our intentionally developed program and with our qualified Outdoor Education staff, your child will gain independence, learn about the world around them, and have a fun and memorable camp experience.

As you look ahead to your child’s trip, keep these things in mind for planning:
Online Paperwork
The school will provide Pali Institute with a list of students who are signed up for the field trip. Once Pali receives that list from the school, you will receive an email with an invite to create an account from Your school will let you know when to expect this email.
The online paperwork is due back to Pali Institute at least a week prior to the trip. You may receive a reminder from the school or Pali to fill it out if it is not completed by that time.
Packing List
The student packing list is available below. Please make sure to check our weather when packing as Pali Institute is at an elevation of over 6,000 feet. We experience all four seasons, from warm summers to snowy winters.
The weather in the mountains is very unpredictable and varies from day to day. If the weather report calls for rain or snow, please ensure that your child is prepared with waterproof clothing and appropriate shoes/boots. For weather information, search for Running Springs, CA or zip code 92382. You can find current weather on NOAA (National Weather Service) or your preferred weather site.
Student Mail
If you would like to send your student mail you can send an email to with your student’s name and school in the subject line. Or you may send snail mail to:
Pali Institute
Your Student’s Name / School Name
PO Box 2237
Running Springs, CA 92382
All student mail is delivered at dinner on the last day of the trip, please sent any snail mail enough in advance that it arrives to Pali by the time your student is with us.
If you choose to send a care package, please do not send food. Remember that your student is sharing a cabin with other students and items or games that can offer a shared experience are always appreciated. Suggested items include: stickers, glow sticks, card games, mad libs, etc.