The Staff Experience
Do you love working with kids? Do you love the outdoors? Are you passionate about experimental education?
Pali is a job where you will work hard, maybe harder than you ever have, but you will make friends that will last a lifetime.
Pali Institute instructors come from all over the United States and the world, sharing a passion for education and the outdoors. Our outdoor instructors have the chance to grow and receive feedback while teaching small groups of students in our outdoor classroom. Located in the San Bernardino Mountains, Pali Institute offers a customizable outdoor education program for grades 4 – 12. Educators choose a three, four or five day program and select from over 30 class modules from three categories: Outdoor Education, Science and Leadership.
You should work at Pali Institute for the same reason students should visit Pali Institute – social growth is both facilitated and a necessary part of the experience. You will learn and find adventures with a diverse group of people whose passion is to find knowledge and connection with in a beautiful environment.Mark Stein, former staff