Engage students in an exciting Archery Hike and Atlatl throwing adventure, where they’ll explore the history and use of these ancient tools.
What’s Covered
After learning to craft their own bows, students will practice firing at a designated range with foam-tipped arrows. They’ll also master the atlatl, an ancient spear-throwing tool, and use it to “hunt” by following tracks and targeting fake animals. As they progress on their hunt, students will sharpen their focus, precision, and teamwork while learning about prehistoric hunting methods.
Educational Standards
Applicable Standards:
- SS 4.3: Students explain the economic, social, and political life in California from the establishment of the Bear Flag Republic through the Mexican-American War, the Gold Rush, and the granting of statehood.
- SS 5.3: Students describe the cooperation and conflict that existed among the American Indians and between the Indian nations and the new settlers.
- SS 6.3
- SS 8.7